1. Technical
  2. Implementing Live Center

Data and Custom Post Renderer

This example gets updates on an interval basis and uses a post-list manager to manage the changes.

Class Description
NcCore.StandardBackendService Wrapper for a class that exposes an HTTP GET function and returns a promise
NcPosts.BulletinTenantProvider JavaScript wrapper over the Live Center public HTTP API to get content
NcPosts.PostListManager Handles management of a list of posts and their HTML. Supports updating and deleting

Working example 😎

This example includes updates to get the latest post-data and custom post-rendering. Your imagination is the limit 🌈

For our customers using Australian environment https://au.livecenter.com/ refer to this CodePen 



1. Convenience functions 🔧

Curious about the classes and terms mentioned? Consult this resource to find what you're looking for. Here you will find options objects that are required in running your scripts.

2. CSS Bundle 🌸

This is a bundle needed to render and support elements in the Live Center feed. The link below is the latest version: https://livecentercdn.norkon.net/scripts/ncposts/ncposts-6.1.1.min.css

3. JS Bundle 👨‍💻

This is a bundle that has the set of functions needed to retrieve and renders the post from our servers. Without this script, you cannot use most functions from the script samples. Below is the latest version of the bundle: https://livecentercdn.norkon.net/scripts/ncposts/ncposts-6.1.1.min.js

Not the implementation you're looking for 🤔 ? View other implementations here!